Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Drum Out Cancer

I read "Laura's Story" on the Phoenix Woman blog and was compelled to type about my own story. I was diagnosed in February 2009 by my first mammogram. Neither myself or the medical professionals could actually feel the two small tumors that were in my left breast. This is exactly the opposite of how Laura was diagnosed and I felt the need to say that I'm grateful for however any of us get diagnosed. At least we're AWARE. I went through successful surgeries in March to remove the tumors but found malignancies in the sentinal and one other lymph node so it was determined I needed chemo before radiation. I had two other procedures: one to remove more lymph nodes (ALL were clear) and one to add the ultra life saving chemo port. Since I was going to be going through months of toxic stuff in my veins, I opted for the port and found it to truly be life saving. I am proud to say chemo DOES end and radiation is seemingly a breeze.

I am grateful to have been diagnosed at this time in breast cancer research and have truly benefitted from so much that is known. I have a 93 year old Aunt who is OUTLIVING her current breast cancer. She is a 40+ year survivor! She was originally diagnosed at 51, had a mastectomy, had a recurrence years later, had another mastectomy and endured chemo and is STILL able to outlive breast cancer because of her medical miracles.

I HAVE HOPE, it is my Aunt Mary.

As a local musician in Phoenix, I have been designated the Honorary Race Chair for the Komen Race in Phoenix to be held on Oct 11th. Our team is drumoutcancer.com. It has given me a platform to inform others of the importance of early detection. Outside of my job of standing at the edge of the stage, I have always lived my personal life in private. Being diagnosed with breast cancer from my very first mammogram made it clear to me I had opportunity to reach others by sharing my story. It is groups like Susan G. Komen and magazines like Phoenix Woman who help in the fight to END breast cancer by involving those of us in races and articles. (side note: thank you for the article on me and my involvement with Komen Phoenix). Keep up the good work in reaching out to all. It does give us hope that there will be a cure.

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